Monday, October 25, 2010

Project 3. Week 2. Market Analysis and Site Selection

The two maps above show a comparison of two market area models: Percentage of Sales and Drive Time.  The map below shows sites which are suitable for the location of a new Better Books Store. I selected Steiner as the model store against which to assess the 3 potential sites.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Project 2. Analyze. Carbon storage and sequestration in urban trees

A neat and straightforward excercise in classifying neighbourhoods into green and impermeable layers, and touching on some of the issues related to the benefits of having trees in urban environments.  It would have been great to calculate some of the advantages related to water, such as storm water management. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Project 2. Prepare. Trees in Urban Landscapes.

Hopefully this project will go smoother than the last one!  This is a topic close to my heart.  Malawi (or the city of Lilongwe where I live) is losing trees rapidly, both to development and for fuelwood, and people have little understanding of the value of standing live trees, and no incentive not to cut them down. 

Still having a bit of trouble figuring out how to adjust text and lines in ArcMap to show up well on map images.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Project 1. REPORT

The aim of this week‘s project was to determine whether relationships exist between pollution and asthma hospitilization rates in the 9 counties of the San Francisco Bay Area, and thus where best to allocate pubic health funds in terms of staffing and supplies.  

Public Health Analysis. Part 1. Demographics
Part 1 focused on how many people lived in each county, where the largest numbers of uninsured people lived and whether there was a correlation between lack of insurance and indirect indicators of poverty (race and female-headed households). 

Public Health Analysis. Part 2. Take a closer look at Asthma
In Part 2 we looked at the relationship between asthma hospitilization rates, pollution and racial composition of the population.  As can be seen in the map below, the proportion of African Americans in a county was strongly correlated with the asthma hospitilization rates. 

Unfortunately I ran out of time to complete all the maps.  This was a somewhat frustrating week as the goalposts shifted in terms of deliverables.  However, I guess that happens with deliverables in the real world too.  Hopefully the coming projects will go more smoothly as we now have a better understanding of how this module will work. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010